

环境学者经常从白人的角度讲述美国风景的故事, middle-class perspective, describing iconic landscapes as pristine wilderness, untouched by humans. 但对非裔美国人来说,美国的风景往往是压迫和暴力的场所.

Nevertheless, 非裔美国人与这片土地建立了有意义的关系, 为把它从压迫中解放出来,使它恢复健康和完整而斗争. 以下资源将帮助您了解这一丰富的传统, the roots of the environmental justice movement.


Dianne Glave and Mark Stoll, eds. 《爱风爱雨:非裔美国人与环境史 (Univ. of Pittsburgh Press 2006)

Kimberly K. Smith, African American Environmental Thought: Foundations (University Press of Kansas 2007)

Scott Giltner, 新南方的狩猎和捕鱼:内战后黑人劳动和白人休闲 (Johns Hopkins University Press 2008)

Kimberly N. Ruffin, Black on Earth: African American Ecoliterary Traditions (University of Georgia Press 2010)

Carolyn Finney, 黑人面孔,白色空间:重新想象非裔美国人与户外的关系 (University of North Carolina Press 2014)

Marion Nestle, 食品政治:食品工业如何影响营养和健康 (California Studies in Food and Culture Press 2013)

Kosek Jake, 下层植被:新墨西哥北部森林的政治生活 (Duke University Press 2006)

The New York Times: “Black Environmentalists Talk About Climate and Anti-Racism”

爱丽丝·沃克写了很多关于她作为一名非裔美国女性与自然世界的关系. Useful essays include:

  • 《黑人作家与南方经验》、《GG电子官方软件下载》.,” “Choosing to Stay at Home,” “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens,” “Only Justice Can Stop a Curse,” and “Nuclear Madness,” all in In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1983);
  • “Am I Blue?” “Longing to Die of Old Age,” “Everything Is A Human Being,” “Why Did the Balinese Chicken Cross the Road?” and “The Universe Responds,” all in Living By the Word (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 1988).

Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Context and Resources

Context: The “Ecological Indian” Debate

关于土著人民的一个比较顽固的成见是,他们“更接近自然”,因此他们的传统做法对生态的影响一致是良性的. 这种刻板印象受到了挑战,最突出的是Shepherd Krech在他1999年的书中所写的 The Ecological Indian, 克里奇认为,印第安人不了解生态关系,经常产生有害的影响. In addition, 一些美洲土著学者,如Vine Deloria Jr .批评了西方的科学传统 Red Earth, White Lies (1995)). 这两种观点都倾向于在印第安人和美国大学教授的自然科学之间制造距离.

今天,这场辩论正在演变成一场更微妙的探索,即土著人民传统上是如何理解和管理自然环境的, in the context of on-going conflict, 暴力和流离失所,以及所谓目标的作用, “价值无关”的科学实践起到了替代作用. We in the Environmental Studies Program embrace that exploration. 我们发现这些资源有助于理解印第安人的经验和对西方科学传统的看法,并将这些经验和观点更显著地引入环境研究课堂.

In order to make this list as useful as possible, 我们还包括了其他资源,这些资源与其他传统和/或帮助我们将我们的学科与这些对话联系起来.


Robin Wall Kimmerer, 编结甜草编:本土智慧、科学知识和植物教义 (Milkweed Editions, 2013)

R.W. Kimmerer (2002). “将传统生态知识融入生物教育:行动呼吁.” BioScience, 52.

Mark Dowie, Conservation Refugees:全球保护与土著人民之间的百年冲突; Conservation Refugees, Orion Magazine

  • 从约塞米蒂的米渥克人到东非的马赛人,这些土著居民是如何以保护的名义被赶出他们的土地的.

Gwen Westerman & 布鲁斯·怀特,《GG电子手机版下载》(明尼苏达历史学会出版社,2012).

  • Tells the history of the Dakota people in southeast Minnesota, including a wealth of stories about the meaning of specific places, 关于达科他人如何与这片土地和欧洲后裔定居者社区联系和联系的有用讨论.

D. Veton, “Margaret Hiza Redsteer利用纳瓦霍人的记忆来追踪气候变化.” High Country News (April 4, 2012).

  • Redsteer是克罗部落的一名成员,是一名地质学家和气候科学家. 这篇文章解释了她如何利用纳瓦霍社区的口头传统来理解土地和气候是如何变化的.

Resources on Native American Science Curriculum.

  • This website was developed by faculty at University of Kansas, Northern Arizona University, University of Alaska-Anchorage, and University of New Mexico. The project is supported by an NSF grant

Native Land website.

  • 谁住在这片土地上?在欧洲人定居之前,这里说什么语言? Which treaties relate to this land? 这个网站是开始探索这些复杂问题的好地方.

C.C. Makondo and D.S.G., Thomas (2018). “气候变化适应:将本土知识与西方科学相结合以实现有效适应.” Environmental Science and Policy, 88, 83-91.

J. Mistry and A. Berardi (2016). “Bridging indigenous and scientific knowledge.” Science, 352, 1274-1275.

Elizabeth Hoover, 火在他们里面点燃:立岩的水保护者营地的火焰政治 (Review of International American Studies 2019 Vol 12 No 1: 11-34)

Organizations in the Twin Cities

Dream of Wild Health

这是双子城持续运作时间最长的印第安人组织之一. 其使命是通过恢复对健康土著食物的知识和获取,恢复美洲土著社区的健康和福祉, medicines, and lifeways. For example, 它提供教育项目,将城市印第安人社区与传统的本土植物和他们的烹饪重新联系起来, medicinal and spiritual use.

UMN: Native American Medicine Gardens

Located on the University’s St. Paul campus, 印第安人的医药花园是由印第安人按照印第安人的传统管理的. 游客可自由携带食用及药用植物自用, 目的是让他们反思自己食物的真正来源和食物主权的重要性.

Artile is by Madeline Giefer (Sept. 10, 2014). See also Melissa Licht, Learning About the UMN Native American Medicine Garden,” Hennepin County Master Gardeners website.